Author: H. Scott Fogler
這本書提出了一個簡潔明了的方式,化學反應工程的基本原理。一個結構開發,允許學生通過推理解決反應工程問題,而不是通過記憶和眾多的方程,限制和條件下,每個方程適用召回。在此第四版是強調在整個生物反應工程,這個版本包含更多的工業化學與真正的電抗器和真實的反應,並擴展了廣泛的應用化學反應工程原理可以應用(即,眼鏡蛇咬傷,藥物,生態工程)。 Elements of Chemical Reaction
Engineering - 4th edition
About the Author
H. Scott Fogler is Vennema Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Michigan. His research interests include flow and reaction in porous media, fused chemical relations, gellation kinetics, colloidal phenomena, and catalyzed dissolution. Fogler has chaired ASEE's Chemical Engineering Division, served as director of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and earned the Chemical Manufacturers Association's National Catalyst Award.