• A self-contained bench-top experiment – no power supply needed
• Highly visual experiment using a ‘liquid piston’ for reliability and accurate, repeatable results
• Simple and safe to use – needs no tools
• Includes a thermocouple and digital display to help maintain constant temperature and show how
compression and decompression of a gas can affect its temperature
• Supplied with hand-operated pumps to compress or decompress the gas (air) above and below
atmospheric pressure
• Can connect to TecQuipment’s Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS®)
Technical Details
Nett dimensions and weight:
750 mm x 750 mm x 520 mm high and 18.5 kg
Plus an additional 5 L (3.5 kg) container of oil.
Approximate packed volume and weight:
0.4 m3 and 25 kg