• A bench-top service module with optional small-scale demonstration heat exchangers – designed
for teaching
• Optional heat exchangers include the most common types used in industry (tubular, plate, shell and
tube, and a jacketed vessel with coil and stirrer)
• Simple and safe to use – foolproof fittings allow students to change and connect the optional heat
exchangers quickly and easily – needs no tools
• Clear digital displays of all readings – you do not need a computer to work it or take readings
• Can connect to TecQuipment’s Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS®)
Essential Services
Bench space needed: 800 mm x 700 mm
Electrical supply: Single-phase 220 VAC 50 Hz or two-phase
220 VAC 60 Hz at 13 A
Clean water supply and waste: 5 L.min–1 at a minimum
1 bar and maximum 3 bar.
Note: Your water supply must be between 5°C and 20°C.
Dimensions and weight:
760 mm wide x 610 mm front to back x 600 mm high
and 40 kg