• Description





  • 簡單安裝及操作,讓你在15分鐘內完成

  • Unity, Blender, unreal , MAYA 我們都幫你準備好介面

  • 從手套到臉部表情一次全部捕捉


Rokoko 動作捕捉和動畫工具旨在支援廣泛的 3D 2D 角色動畫流程,同時簡化工作流程。 從構思到製作,每個步驟都針對快速和高品質的動畫輸出進行了優化。 使用動作捕捉工具,透過 WiFi 將它們連接到您的計算器並開始捕捉動作,這一切都在幾分鐘內完成。


使用 Smartsuit Pro IISmartgloves Face Capture 應用程式捕捉您自己的身體、手指和面部動畫。


02.Rokoko Studio




使用我們為您最喜歡的 3D 軟體提供的原生外掛程式將您的動作捕捉資料直接資料流到您的自訂角色上。

Games & VR/AR/XR

No Matter Studios, Praey for the Gods

No Matter Studios is the indie game company behind one of the most highly anticipated titles in the indie space, Praey for the Gods.

Animation, Film & VFX

Ian Hubert - VFX and Blender3D artist

Filmmaker and VFX artist Ian Hubert is one of the world’s most skilled and admired Blender users.

Education & Academia

DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore

The students at DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore have incorporated the Smartsuit Pro into the core of their animation pipeline.


get inspired by our talented users - view all on instagram

Behind the magic


16g range

Accelerometers allowing for high impact motions


Advancements in inertial technology cater for a significant reduction in drift


Simple integration for Smartgloves

9DOF sensors

9 degrees of freedom IMU motion sensors connected to a hub, 3D orientation accuracy: ± 1 deg

16g range

Electronic parts can be removed from the Smartsuit, so you can wash the textile

200 fps

Real-time streaming without lag or latency