• Description

日期 (Date): 2025114日至16 (January 14~16, 2025)
地點 (Venue): 國立中山大學,高雄,台灣 (National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan)

台灣物理學會年會 (TPS) 是台灣物理學界一年一度的最重要盛事,為台灣及全球的物理學家提供一個交流最新研究成果的平台。過去幾年,年會每年吸引超過2,000名與會者。
(The Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan (TPS) is the most important event for the physics community in Taiwan, providing a unique platform for physicists in Taiwan and around the world to share their latest research.)

2025年的台灣物理學會年會 (TPS2025) 將於2025114日至16日,由國立中山大學主辦,地點為高雄。
(The 2025 Annual Meeting (TPS2025) will be hosted by National Sun Yat-sen University on January 14-16, 2025, in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.)
(The event will feature plenary talks by distinguished speakers on groundbreaking developments, along with parallel session presentations on advancements in pure and applied physics and physics education.)

(There will also be topical symposiums, satellite meetings, business meetings, outreach programs, and a meeting of the directors of physics institutes in Taiwan.)