• Description

舉辦日期 (Event Date):2025年4月(April 2025)

舉辦地點 (Venue):張榮發基金會國際會議中心
(Chang Yung-Fa Foundation International Convention Center)

聯絡人 (Contact):劉小姐 (Ms. Liu)
Phone: (03) 5918269


活動介紹 (Event Overview):

(The "2025 Annual Meeting and Technical Achievement Presentation of the Taiwan Thermal Management Association" will take place in April 2025!)


1.    展現國內產學研單位的研發動能與技術能力。

2.    提供一個技術交流的寶貴平台。

(This annual event highlights Taiwan's thermal management advancements and serves as the sole platform focusing on electronic cooling technologies. The objectives are to showcase research and development capabilities and foster technical exchanges between academia and industry.)


最佳論文選拔 (Best Paper Award):

(To encourage participation, the event will continue its tradition of selecting the Best Paper Award.)

  • 獎勵 (Rewards):
    • 獲頒獎狀 (Certificate of Recognition)
    • 獎勵金新台幣壹萬元整 (Cash Prize: NT$10,000)

(We encourage members and researchers from academia and industry to seize this opportunity and submit your work!)


徵稿範圍 (Call for Papers and Technical Presentations):

(Topics include, but are not limited to):

1.    散熱片技術 (Heat Sink)

2.    熱管技術 (Heat Pipe)

3.    均熱片材料技術 (Heat Spreader)

4.    平板熱管技術 (Vapor Chamber)

5.    迴路型熱管技術 (Loop Heat Pipe)

6.    熱界面材料技術 (Thermal Interface Materials)

7.    風扇技術 (Fan)

8.    液相冷卻技術 (Liquid Cooling)

9.    熱設計及熱模擬技術 (Thermal Design and Modeling)

10.      熱量測技術 (Thermal Measurement)

11.      熱電材料及元件技術 (Thermoelectric Materials & Devices)

12.      先進冷卻技術 (Advanced Cooling Technology)

13.      LED封裝及散熱技術 (LED Packaging and Thermal Management)

14.      先進IC封裝散熱技術 (Advanced IC Packaging Thermal Management)

15.      系統散熱設計 (System Level Thermal Management)

16.      功率模組散熱技術 (Power Module Thermal Management)

17.      電池熱管理技術 (Battery Thermal Management)

18.      其它 (Others)



(We warmly invite you to participate and contribute to the advancement of Taiwan’s thermal management technologies!)