• Description

展覽時間 (Exhibition Dates):

2025910 () 912 ()
(September 10–12, 2025, Wednesday to Friday)

SEMICON Taiwan是全球第二大且台灣最具國際化的半導體專業展覽,連結全球最具影響力的廠商、人才與技術,為業界提供深度資訊,創造嶄新市場機會。
(SEMICON Taiwan is the second-largest and the most international semiconductor exhibition in Taiwan, connecting globally influential companies, talents, and technologies, providing in-depth industry insights, and creating new market opportunities.)

(The exhibition links Taiwan's comprehensive microelectronics ecosystem and serves as a bridge for collaboration among industries, government, academia, and research, making it a critical gateway for Taiwanese companies to connect with the global market.)

SEMICON Taiwan秉持三大初衷:

1.    引領科技潮流 (Driving Technology Trends)

2.    推動技術演進 (Advancing Technological Development)

3.    促進合作交流 (Facilitating Collaboration and Networking)